
It gives me great joy and pleasure to inform you of the most recent divine phenomenon that has taken birth in the Oneness University in Golden City, India. This ‘Oneness Blessing’ radiates from the Srimurthi (portrait) of Sri Amma Bhagavan, which is impregnated with their divine consciousness. Sri Amma Bhagavan (Twin Avatars: Enlightened Beings sent by the Divine to help humanity) have now taken a very special sankalpa (intent) that their Srimurthi transfer a powerful blessing to people that would awaken them to Oneness.
In accordance with their divine will, Diksha givers pray and gently touch the Srimurthi either at the feet or hands of Sri Amma Bhagavan and ask for this ‘Oneness Blessing.’ In some cases the blessing is experienced as subtle electric shocks or as strong vibrations flowing through the body. The blessing could also be experienced in several other ways like a physical Diksha process (much the same as what is generally felt after receiving a strong Diksha). In almost all the cases so far, receiving the ‘Oneness Blessing’ from Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan has immediately produced a shift in consciousness culminating in an altered state that is more or less permanent. Other results include mystical insights and a continuous ongoing Diksha process within that takes you higher and higher towards love and joy.
I would therefore humbly recommend that all who desire receive this great blessing directly from Sri Amma Bhagavan in your own homes daily. The blessing could ideally be taken four times a day i.e. 6.00 a.m., 12.00 noon, 6.00 p.m. and 12.00 midnight.
The reason these specific timings have been created is that all Diksha givers are praying and receiving the blessing at the same time in their respective countries, the blessing comes forth very powerfully, since it becomes like a collective phenomenon that is happening at that time. This would also profoundly affect your own countries in a big way. The effects of receiving the ‘Oneness Blessing’ at the same time daily are clearly seen in many cases already. In case of being unable to receive the blessing all four times a day, please join whenever possible; at least two times a day.
At these times of the day, you could sit before the portrait of Sri Amma Bhagavan and invoke their divine presence. Having invoked their presence, you could develop a personal communion with them in your hearts and ask Sri Amma Bhagavan to give you the Oneness Blessing and awaken you to Oneness. In case you are experiencing some emotional disturbances some day owing to the charge in your emotions, you could pray that the charge in the emotion be removed and that you are awakened to Oneness.
Having prayed thus, gently touch the feet or the hands of Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan and wait for some time with your hands on the Srimurthi for the blessing to flow through (about a minute or more). You could first touch Sri Amma and then move on to touch Sri Bhagavan or vice-versa or you could choose to place your hands on both of their feet/hands simultaneously; please follow whatever comes to you naturally. Having received the blessing thus, you could thank Sri Amma Bhagavan and if possible move into shavasan (lie down on your back) and relax for some time. This blessing would come forth from all the portraits of Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan, including the Sri Amma Bhagavan medallions/pendants.
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